Kidnappings, arbitrary detentions and murders committed everyday by the Polisario torturers in Tindouf camps, have been denounced this week in the Nations Palace in Geneva. The National Union of Mauritanians, who have disappeared in Mauritania in Tindouf camps, has pleaded for a long time on the 16th March, in front of the UN Human Rights Council holding its 16th session, in favour of the Mauritanians who have disappeared. In his intervention in an open session, the president of the Union, Isselkou Rebbani has gone straight to the aim, to ask the CDH to put pressure on the Algerian regime and its army to clarify the destiny of more than 150 Mauritanians considered among the disappeared on the Algerian territory. He has even insisted so as to put an end in the best deadlines, to this humanitarian tragedy.
To best support his defense, Isselkou Rebbani has mentioned some evidences of these illegal practices in Lahmada camps through the statements made by many former Mauritanian prisoners. Those among the latter who have succeeded to escape from this hell, tell about the tortures, violence, humiliations and rapes taking place in the absence of any international protection. So much facts that remind, has he said, of the concentration camps reflecting the darkets periods of the humanity history.
The president of the Mauritanian union declared himself indignant that Algeria, directly concerned by these atrocities that are committed on its territory to the knowledge of its local and military authorities, continues escaping from its responsibilities. Isselkou Rebani has also deplored the fact that the authorities of Algiers use the Polisario separatist group, in the war against Morocco, threatening thus the stability of all the Maghreb and the Sahelo-Saharan region.
It is unacceptable today, has he concluded, to see the geopolitical interests of certain States taking precedence over the more elementary rights of a population which founds itself taken hostage in an inherited conflict of the cold war. One day before, Al Mami Ahl Ahmed Brahim, the delegate of the Democratic international centre, regrouping the central parties of more than 100 countries, has also accused, in front of the CDH, the Algerian State, supporting and financing the Polisario, of being responsible, just like the mercenary separatist movement of the committed violence in Tindouf camps.